Welcome to Board-Master Software!
If you are taking the Podiatric Surgery Boards, this web-based program is a must-have tool for studying.
Computer-Based Patient Simulations (CBPS) are present on both Part I and Part II of the Certification exams. Navigating CBPS questions successfully is critical to becoming Board Certified.
Board-Master Software is singularly geared to teach you how to navigate CBPS questions effectively and confidently.
Board-Master is a collection of Computer-Based Patient Simulations. The Products link above will take you to the Foot and Reconstructive Rearfoot and Ankle (RRA) questions we offer. Our questions are designed by DPMs Certified in both Foot Surgery and RRA Surgery. Their success with passing these exams is your advantage!
Board-Master exam questions are timed, just like the real thing. You proceed with your work-up, diagnosis and treatments utilizing pull-down lists and search tools (please click on the example screen image above at left).
The choices for each section of an exam question are very extensive. Learning to navigate the software efficiently under timed conditions is a key benefit of this type of studying. Cases include images and data that correspond to your selections.
Importantly, at the end of each case, an answer key will show you the "Points to Pass" we would have required in a real-world examination scenario.
When you submit your order for Foot or RRA Exam Packs, your account will be activated, usually within 24 hours. Once you are activated, you will be able to practice with the software from any computer with access to the Internet, 24 hours a day. Your subscription will run from the time of activation through June 30, 2024.
Welcome to Board-Master, and good luck on your road to Board Certification!
To get more didactic study material, we recommend "Boards by the Numbers" website: www.certifiable.com